
2023/01/18 12:45 [Updated 1/23 04:00 UTC]Regarding the issue in Crossover Quests where the enemy Fighter does not Revive and the battle does not progress.

Dear User,
We have received reports that enemy fighters do not Revive in Crossover Quests and the battle does not progress.
We are currently investigating this issue.
If this issue occurs, it may be improved by lowering the "Graphic settings".
Please try changing "Graphic settings" to "1" from "Settings" on the upper left of the title screen.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.
[Updated 1/23 04:00 UTC]
An issue has been identified to occur occasionally when Yama is in the enemy party and has one use of Perseverance remaining. 
This issue is more likely to occur when a multi-hit attack in the form of a regular attack or a Special Technique are performed. 
It is less likely to occur from Secret Technique attacks and Fighters who perform single hit regular attacks. 
Since an update is required to fix this issue, we are unable to fix it while an event is underway. 
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. 
The following items will be sent to users as compensation for this issue. 
Gems x400
Yama Shard x2
(All) Fighter Shard x9
[Crossover Stamina] Platter (L) x8
(Low Grade) Selectable Enhancer Box x400
Enhancement Hammer Box x4
Dimensional Immortals Vouchers x235
Judollar x4,010,000
We kindly ask for your patience until we distribute compensation according to our schedule. 

©Buronson & Tetsuo Hara/COAMIX 1983, Approved No.GC-218 ©SEGA

Name: Fist of the North Star LEGENDS ReVIVE Genre: Action RPG

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