2025/01/09 17:00Emperor's Privilege Auto Combo Bonus Issue
2025/01/08 17:30Issue Causing Battles in Story Quests and Other Game Modes to Freeze
2024/12/17 18:03[Updated: December 17 (Tue) at 9:03 UTC]Immortals Battles Issue
2024/11/26 16:30Large Rainbow Charm Issue
2024/11/06 16:30Celestial Dojo Connection Error
2024/09/26 13:40Kumite Showdown Showcase Display Issue
2024/09/20 18:20Issue with the Celestial Dojo Reward Sticker
2024/09/17 18:20Kumite Showdown Power Display Issue
2024/09/11 16:30Celestial Dojo Issue
2024/08/30 18:47Known Issues Updated (Updated:August.30 at 9:47 UTC)