2025/01/31 05:00Conqueror of Hokuto Shinken Raoh Training Campaign!
2025/01/30 05:00[Announcement] UR Conqueror of Hokuto Shinken Raoh's Conquest! Several Gachas Coming Soon!
2025/01/29 18:00Special Pack Sale and Campaign Schedule (January 29 - February 13 JST)
2025/01/29 18:00Event Schedule (January 29 - February 13 JST)
2025/01/28 05:00Update and Maintenance Notice (January 29)
2025/01/24 05:00Rereleasing UR Celestial Emperor Lui! Several Gachas Now On!
2025/01/19 05:00Bonus Slot Guaranteed! Special Revival Event Gacha!
2025/01/16 05:00A chance to win a FIST OF THE NORTH STAR: LEGENDS ReVIVE illustration book!
2025/01/16 05:00Star of Benevolence Shew Training Campaign!
2025/01/15 19:00Special Pack Sale and Campaign Schedule (January 15 - January 29 JST)