2019/09/24 19:00Server 29 Opening Events unable to begin
2019/09/23 05:00Regular Maintenance Notice (Sept 24th)
2019/09/21 05:00The Celestial Lone Wolf! Ryuga Gacha underway!
2019/09/20 15:30Known Issues Updated (Sept 20, 06:30 UTC)
2019/09/20 11:00Thank you 500,000+ DL Campaign!
2019/09/19 16:16Functionality on [Android10.0] and [iOS13]
2019/09/18 05:00Get Ryuken's Secret Tech. Manual! Total Gem Purchase Bonus!
2019/09/17 17:00Regular Maintenance Report (Sept 17)
2019/09/16 16:55Day of the North Star! Event Issues
2019/09/16 05:00Regular Maintenance Notice (Sept 17)