2021/03/26 05:00Alliance Battle Celebration! Login Bonus and Fighter Training Sets available!
2021/03/26 05:00Get Fighters that use specific Gokui! Event Gacha Wind/Water Gokui!
2021/03/26 05:00Enhance UR Fighters' Speed! UR Fighter Food Items now on sale!
2021/03/26 05:00A chance to get extra Gems! Gem Purchase Bonus Campaign underway!
2021/03/24 15:05Android Ver.2.7.1 Update Request (Mar. 24)
2021/03/24 12:45Letter from the Producer (vol. 7)(Updated:March.24 at 5:30 UTC)
2021/03/24 05:00Specialized Charms for Fist of the Blue Sky Crossover Fighters! Fist of the Blue Sky Crossover Revival Seven Nights of Training!
2021/03/23 18:00Update and Maintenance Report (Mar. 23)
2021/03/23 05:00Get Alf the Hourglass' and others' Secret Tech. Manuals! Special Enhancement Event underway!
2021/03/23 05:00Clear Missions to get rewards! Dojo Missions now on!