2022/05/12 05:00Get Red Charms! Gem Purchase Campaign now on!
2022/05/09 05:00Challenge Users from Other Servers! PvP Mode Celestial Dojo!
2022/05/08 05:00Get lots of (All) Fighter Shards! Gem Purchase Campaign!
2022/05/07 05:00Get awesome rewards via gameplay! Days of Seven Limited Event underway!
2022/05/05 05:00Rereleasing Eyes of Faith Shew with Unlockable Channeling Points! Event Gacha: Eyes of Faith Shew!
2022/05/05 05:00Get Eyes of Faith Shew's and others' Secret Tech. Manuals! Special Enhancement Event!
2022/05/05 05:00Special Gem Packs! Special Gem Pack Sale!
2022/05/02 05:00Golden Week is here! Golden Week Gacha!
2022/05/01 05:00Complete Missions to get Rewards! Gate of Shura May Missions!
2022/04/30 11:00Optional Update Report (Apr. 30)